Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Comei, Bebei e Alegrai-vos,

Portuguese this time. No, I can´t say a thing other than, "I speak Portuguese", "I like men", and "FIRE!". Yeah, all useless. I haven´t really had a chance to work on it though. Hopefully I can find some time even with travelling starting up. Maybe I´ll make Connati teach me while we´re in the car!

I don´t know where to start. This week was really busy, but I don´t have a ton to talk about. 

Transfer day was odd. It was my shortest transfer in terms of distance, but my longest in terms of time. Hard to explain, but there were just a lot of problems. Pretty much half of the mission got white washed. For those who don´t know, that means that both of the missionaries in an area get transferred. Now, transporting 4-6 bags and two bikes with two people is really difficult. So, a lot of bikes were left in areas. That means a lot of odd travel through the mission and everyone is just freaking out. It´s really stupid. It was just a crazy day.

Schiedam is really cool. It´s really international, and people actually don´t mind being talked to. It feels too easy after Dutch areas. Everyone is like "Oh, just come over to my house! Anytime." They´re lucky I´m not some con-man. They´d just be letting me in their homes.

My voice has been kinda messy the last few days. Combine that with all the last minute practice we´ve been trying to shove in before we start traveling this week and you get a very exhausted Elder Shaw. 

One artsy picture of Elder Connati and his trusty water bottle to end things
Love you!

Elder Shaw

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