Monday, January 12, 2015

Mooie weer, hé?

This week was long, and busy..... but not a lot actually happened. You know what I mean?

Well, this place is terrible for any sort of "I'm so holy" missionary. We went to a birthday party Tuesday night for an American member in the ward. He loves comic books and super heroes, so they made him a super hero cake-- that was the torso of a super hero. Oh, and that super hero was Super(WO)Man. Yeah. We all had a good laugh at it, then as we were leaving one of the ladies there gives us a little take home container. It was a bit of the cake. A boob. So.... yeah, we've had left over boob-cake for the past few days. Very good. Much fondant.

That's really my only story from the week.

Dutch New year-- Fireworks start at nine in the morning. At 11 at night, they fill the sky unceasingly, with constant bangs, until at least 2 in the morning. It's nuts.

Let's see. The best time of the day? Or something I just look forward to? Not planning, that's for sure. I just like teaching. It's when it feels real. Contacting just kinda destroys your attitude, but teaching actually feels like helping people.

Afrikaans is very similar to Dutch; it really is just old Dutch that has evolved in a different direction that current Dutch. Yeah.

Tot ziens is in fact correct.

Sorry, no pictures this week. Just didn't take any.

Elder Shaw

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