Monday, April 13, 2015

Dooi, Haarlem.

Welp! I'm getting transferred. I'll be going to one of my dream cities, Groningen! I'm excited, but it's incredibly bittersweet. Haarlem feels like home now; the streets feel like my streets. I'm going to miss it. I'm also REALLY going to miss Elder Enslow, but the work must go on!
Elder Enslow and I are pretty worn out from the week. Our amount of teaching appointments dropped, but I don't feel like our amount of success did. We were out rocking it!
We did have temple conference this week. It was nice to go to the temple again. It's always a neat experience. Afterwards we went to Keukenhof. It was underwhelming-- pathetic, almost. But, in classic Shaw style, I made a good time of it! I have a ton of pictures so you can get your chuckle on about it.
P-day last week was decent, not because of P-day itself, but our dinner appointment was cool. An Easter tradition here is gourmetting. Basically, it's a little grill that sits in the middle of the table and everyone cooks their own meat on it. (Like the Korean thing we ate at Takarajima in Japan, except the meat isn't as good here. Surprising, I know.)
Well, lets see.... We taught crazy people... I feel like that's most of who we come in contact with here. Only crazy people are willing to listen and talk to us.
Other than that, not a ton happened. Just trudging through the grind of contacting, looking up potentials, getting rejected, and doing it over again. I've come to love the little successes, and not sweat the little defeats.
Here comes a wave of pictures.
Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you.... Tulips. "No, they're there. I promise." "What do you mean it's just stems?" "I.... Oh."

The self-taken photograph of a gathering of people. (I refuse to use the "G" word)

Ooh, pretty.

Couldn't resist, had to jump in. You know.

Whoa! They exist!

Asian tourists! Elder Enslow and I made a game out of getting as many pictures of me as possible also including Asian tourists. I have a ton, but this one's the best.

Smell 'em!

Best picture from the entire day. Yep.

Soccer with the ward. This was the entire turnout. Fun anyways!

Well, that's it my lovelies.

F' everything, (the F is for fabulous! What did you think it was for?!?)

Elder Shaw

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