Monday, April 6, 2015

Tweede Paas, hoe kan dat, nou?

AAAGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Now that I have your attention, here's what's up--
We taught a decent amount in the past week; it was very nice: one lady with a lot of cats, an older couple, two Muslim men that actually taught us a lot, too. Very cool. Very swag. Not a lot of progress being made there, and no stories really worth telling, but we're trying to keep them moving! Yep.
I got watch all of conference except the last session. It's unfortunate, but it just shows too late here.
OH! By the way. It's Second Easter today. Once again, I don't know why, and neither do the natives. I imagine it is for no other reason than extra vacation. They don't really celebrate anything on it. It's just a day where they don't have to do anything. Culture here is so different.
Favorite thing from the week..... Elder Enslow's parody of Music and the Spoken Word. It went something like--
"As we look across these scenes of Southern Utah, it reminds us of the Lord's country, namely, Southern Utah. It always brings my mind back to my haircut, and how it miraculously hasn't changed for 20 years...." It was quite funny. We actually had some great times getting to know some members of the ward on a more personal level during conference. It will be very sad when we get transfer calls on Sunday. Oh well.
I don't actually have any pictures. I was kinda slaking on the camera work. I'll try and have a bunch next time!
I love you all. Until next week......
Elder Shawty

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