Monday, January 11, 2016


By the way, this may not all translate perfectly, but it´s a Brabants accent. Noord-Brabant is the province of The Netherlands that Den Bosch is in, and you can think of it as the Dutch equivalent of Texas. Everyone is super proud to be from here, and it´s a bit more religious than the rest of The Netherlands. It´s wonderful, and by far the most amusing Dutch accent. Our investigator, Timo, has been helping me to learn how to speak it!

We´ve been working our little tushies off. It has been good to see some stuff come from our efforts this week! We taught some wonderful lessons to people incredibly prepared for the Gospel. I was amazed to see the way that our message can answer so many of people´s questions about life. People really have no idea what they´re missing, and that´s very sad. I want the world to understand just how much of a difference Christ can make in their lives. It´s an abstract thought, belief, but if people will open up to it, they´ll see a change in more ways than they can count.

In other news, Elder Serra got kicked out of a Burger King this week. It´s not what you´re thinking; I just like to get a rise out of ya´ll! Anyways, we were in there eating far too expensive food for our missionary budget (because we locked ourselves out of our apartment again) and out of nowhere this water starts spraying in the restaurant. I looked to see a small hose poking out of a little hole in the ground unleashing a torrent of water in every direction. After a second it stopped and sank back into the hole. I heard the staff talking and they started cleaning up the mess. They replaced some people´s soggy food and then five minutes later it poked out of another hole in the restaurant and did it again! Apparently it happened every time someone flushed the toilet. They evacuated the restaurant.

Anyway! Here are some pictures!

This is Theo! A wonderful member of the ward. He´s a sweetheart!


Beautiful Boxtel!

Also Boxtel.... But not quite so beautiful.

I love you all! Have a good week!

Elder Shaw

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