Monday, September 7, 2015

Do you ever pretend that your umbrella is a nuclear weapon? Oh, me neither...

Quote from Elder Conatti, if any of you were wondering.

Ah, I forgot how tired traveling makes you! And how difficult it makes it to keep the standard missionary schedule! But we´re surviving. We had some really cool experiences this week.

Let me start with our own area-- we have so many potentials we´re sitting on right now, but we´re having trouble getting in contact with them! It´s hard to find people at home. Our Irish amigo is moving this week, apparently. We´re sad to see him go so soon, but we´ll get in contact with the missionaries up there and make sure he keeps getting some help on his search for truth! Luckily we have some lessons scheduled for the week, so those should go well.

Okay, a little info about the week-- we were asked to sing in both sessions of the Apeldoorn Stake Conference; we had to prepare two songs for it. Thusly, Thursday turned into this frantic practice session of an incredible acapella song called "Gentle Savior." It´s a beautiful Baptist Hymn with really close harmonies. It sounded great when we finally performed it on Saturday night. The Spirit was so strong there, I just wanted to give the world a hug!

Then we sang, "Abide With Me, Tis Eventide", for the Sunday session. Once again, a beautiful arrangement with some tight harmonies. We also had the privilege of singing in between the talks of the mission president and his wife (during which the translator passed out. We were all quite concerned).

Elder Hunter is doing okay. He´s been on some drugs that make him a lot of fun! Luckily, he holds it together for appointments, but once we get him outside or in the car he´s just a little ball of energy with no filter. We actually ended up at a dinner appointment last night with two pretty recently returned sister missionaries from Zwolle and the mother of one of them. It was really cool to meet members that understood all of our missionary problems and could enjoy missionary humor.

Well, I don´t have a ton more to say about about the week. We´re working hard and trying to get things moving! We´re worried about Elder Hunter, but we know that whatever happens will be what needs to happen. We´re so lucky to have the knowledge that God is watching over us.

I think I have a picture! Oh, nevermind. I forget my camera at home. Well, next week!

Love you all!

Elder Shaw

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