Monday, February 23, 2015

Hé, het spijt u. Mijn billen!

This week was not as good as the last one, but it still had a lot of really good moments. Elder Silva and I:

1. Contacted a girl in a penguin onesie. She was actually fairly interested!
2. Contacted someone with a dog doorbell. Also interested!
3. Contacted a lot of other people that WEREN'T interested.
4. Taught 2, count 'em, 2, lessons.
5. Played soccer with the ward. Actually was wonderful and it's going to start becoming a weekly thing.

That's right. I got to go back to see someone baptized. It was a wonderful experience. It's actually not anyone I've talked about before, I think. But yeah, it was really cool. He asked Elder Taggart to come back as well and wanted us to witness. It was super cool!

Yeah, it was one of those funny weeks, where you put in a lot of work, but your results don't really make that apparent. As hard as it can be, I really don't have any worries. I know it will all get better.

Sadly, most of our investigators right now aren't super steady. We're lucky to have lessons with them. I think most of them aren't truly interested, but just too nice to say it. That's a struggle. We can't really drag people. That's not the goal! People need some initiative.

Funny experience-- With the work of IS in the world right now, some of the ward is scared.... that someone is going to come into the church building and kill us all. I know, it's crazy. But during Priesthood they passed around a little list for people to write their suggestions on how to protect the building during services. People had written a lot of stuff about closing and locking the door, and then only letting in people we trust.................................. I wanted to scream at them. <shaw rant> IT'S A CHURCH DANG IT! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO ACCEPT AND SUPPORT EVERYONE. NO JUDGEMENT! I MEAN, FO' REAL DO'! </shaw rant>

So, I wrote on the list, "Wees niet bang en de Heer vertrouwen." HA!

Transfer calls are on Sunday. This one has felt soooooo fast.

Well, that's my week. I only have one picture! Sorry.

Millions shall know....

Have a good week everyone!

Elder Shaw

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