Monday, December 29, 2014

Haarlem--Week #4 (mission week #27)

First off, the thing I said about getting sick and then starting to feel better? I was wrong. I'm quite sick now. It sucks. I actually had to stay in Saturday night. It was not a pleasant experience. It has also made sleeping very difficult. I'm going to try and take it very easy today. Don't worry about me though, people! I'm safer right now than any other place I could be while sick.

Christmas was pretty cool. We had fun appointments with members. I actually ended up having Indonesian for Christmas dinner. They don't really have a tradition for it. I think I already mentioned this, but they also have a second Christmas. It's the day after the first one, and NO ONE knows why. I would guess it's just to have another day when they don't have to do anything. But we took a big group of missionaries and went to carol in the city center. While we did that we would have a few missionaries that contacted around those that were singing. I actually met a husband and wife from Austin. I was actually with Elder Hunter at the time, which was perfect, because he's a country singer, and actually apparently helped Carrie Underwood write some song. It made us the perfect team to talk to them and we gave them a Book of Mormon.

Yep, it snowed on Saturday. All day. However, NONE of it stayed. It was the weirdest thing. The air was constantly filled with snow, but there was no build up!

Well, I'm feeling done, so I'm going to get off the computer now.

I love you all,
Elder Shaw

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Elder Shaw! You look great! Just wanted to let you know your great aunt Kari and Greg do think of you and pray for you on your mission. Sounds like you are doing great things! Happy New Year---enjoy the people of greater Haarlam!
